Monday, February 12, 2007

My Wednesday Haul 02-07-07

It's a little late, but then again I was a little late buying comics last week. I did manage to get over to the store on Sunday. And here's what I got, please beware if you are behind on your comic reading their might be some spoilers below, but since the books have been out for almost a week now I'm moving forward:

New Avengers #27: We've got the NEW New Post Civil War Avengers introduced as a team in this issue: Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Echo, Ronin, Wolverine and Dr. Strange. The gang goes to Japan to save Echo from clutches of Electra and the ninjas of the Hand. A good book overall, I'm glad to have a none Civil War story back in the New Avengers. Having Echo revealed as the original Ronin has me and every other reader wondering who the new Ronin is. And where is Capt. America for that matter. This is an interesting team, but to me this book would almost be more accurately called the New Defenders. With the dark mood, the odd assortment of heroes and Dr. Strange in the mix the book just feels like a Defenders comic to me. I enjoyed artist Leinil Yu's fight scenes and interpretations of the characters. Overall a pleasing book, it'll be fun to see how long this version of the Avengers lasts.

Fantastic Four: The End #5 I dig Alan Davis's artwork. The story isn't quite what I thought the final days of the Fantastic Four would be. There is a lot of cheese in this vision of the future Marvel Universe, but I can't overcome my love of Davis's pencils and seeing him draw so many different Marvel characters in one series. The story is interesting and if you missed as a limited series, picking up the inevitable trade paperback is my recommendation.

newuniversal #3: haven't read it yet. I feel like I should read the first two again before reading this one. Having trouble getting into the story, so it's not sticking with me from issue to issue. But I was a fan of some of original New Universe so my curiosity is peaked.

Ms. Marvel #12: Cool cover by Greg Horn. Fun, action packed story with Ms. Marvel fighting a giant robot and his army of A.I.M. created zombies. I still don't have any attachment to this Arana character so her fall at the hands of the robot really didn't get me emotionally on any level. I'd be happy if the character disappeared honestly, how many Spider characters does the Marvel Universe need ?1? I'm glad She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel have quality books on the shelves. Marvel has a lot of strong female characters and readers are benefiting from the company's realization of this fact.

The Pin-Up Art of Bill Ward: I'm a sucker for classic pin-up artist. I'm jealous of their almost effortless skill. Bill Ward, creator of Torchy and contributor to a number of magazines as a cartoonist/pin-up artist has his works collected in this paperback published by Fantagraphics. It was an impulse buy, I would have been even more giddy if it were a collection of Jack Cole pin-ups, but I'll take a Bill Ward collection any day if the price is right.

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